Sunday, March 31, 2013

Top lane counters

Hello, today I just wanted to make a note for myself about general rule about top lane counters

Gap-closer(wukong etc) > Range(Jayce, Rumble etc.) > Sustain/Tank(Cho'gath,Garen) >Gap-Closer

It's important to note that counters are not everything and there are some irregulars that does not fit in this, and it is important to analyze each champions skills/items(Ex: Irelia has a gap closer and can get ridiculous sustain after first recall). However this is what I found this to be generally true in my time playing top lane.

Saturday, March 30, 2013


Hello it's me Sleepy again and today I want to write about what I been learning lately. So until a while ago I followed guides from MobaFire very strictly. But for some reason I got into doing more unorthodox thing like changing keybinding items etc for the past few months and here is what I learned.

1.You should take full advantage of functions like auto attack command and smartcast
2. Since season 3 their is a lot more starting items and you should learn when to use different ones
3. Do not follow guides and always seek for items that might work better in your situation.

And that's what I'v been up to with League lately, also I'm learning Rumble and relearning Wukong.